Arrow on a plane

Arrow has flown with us to Washington, DC for the International Association of Canine Professionals annual conference, and with me to Portland, Maine for Kayce Cover’s Perception Modification certification camp. He flies with me later this month when I go to Birmingham, Alabama to visit with Rick Clark at The Barking Zone.

As my Service Dog, Arrow flies in the cabin with me. After I make the reservations online, and choose my aisle seat just behind the wings, I call the airline to inform them that I will be traveling with my service dog.

When we arrive at the airport, he rides the parking lot shuttle to the terminal.

He has one last potty break, and we check any bags.

We proceed thru security, usually the guards will wave us to the front of the line. After I show my identification, and load up the bins to be x-ray scanned, a guard will direct us to the metal detector line. Arrow sits on one side while I go through, once I clear the metal detector, I call him though to me. Sometimes, we take off his vest and send that through, other times he can wear it. It is easiest to go through with a slip lead on him. One time when we went through, they sent his vest, collar and leash through the x-ray scanner, so he ended up doing a down-stay in the middle of a crowded airport with people everywhere, with absolutely nothing on.

We wait at the gate and board when they call for people who need extra assistance. I stow any carry on luggage above my head and Arrow curls up at my feet. Some people fly with their service dog in the very first row, Arrow also has room when he can tuck under the row in front of us.

He has not been bothered by take off, landing, or turbulence. He usually sleeps right through it.

When I fly with my family, I handed his leash to them when I used the restroom. When I fly on my own, Arrow comes into the restroom with me. It’s a bit awkward, but life is nothing if it isn’t an adventure!

Arrow is on Wendy Volhard’s Natural diet, so I pack his cereal bars and supplements, and when we land, I buy ground beef and yogurt for him.

I pack different collars and leashes, along with a toy, food and water bowls.

Arrow is brushed and his nails are dremmeled before we leave.

If we are getting a rental car, I let them know I am traveling with my service dog. I will also bring a sheet for him to lay on while in the car.

I inform the hotel, and usually ask for a first floor room. I bring plenty of poo bags to clean up after him, and will buy a roll of paper towels in case we need them.


Traveling with your service dog requires more planning than traveling on your own. Here are our tips on flying with your service dog:

1. Give yourself extra time. You don’t want to have to rush, you want to have plenty of time so you can relax and explain everything to your dog. I tell Arrow exactly what is going to happen, “Arrow, we are going on a plane, it’s like a really big car that goes up in the sky.”

2. Plan. For everything. Check at the airport to locate where the service dog potty areas are. Have a packing list so you don’t forget anything. Pack more than you think you will need, and if you forget, hopefully you can buy it when you land. Depending on how long you will be gone, you can order food from and have it sent to where you are going.

3. Get extra rest. Travel can be tiring, for both you and for your service dog. Make sure you exercise your dog ahead of time.


Arrow Visits Disney World


A Spoiled Dog Lives Here